It's the telling of our stories that validates and helps others. We need your help. Will you share your story with us?

Myth: You need to make a full recovery before sharing your story for it to be hopeful and validating to others.
Myth: You need to have experienced pain that was "bad enough" to make your story validating for others:
Fact: Your story is worth telling. Exactly as you experienced it. Exactly as you are experiencing it.

Read Monique's guest blog about her story here.

Need help getting started? Try one of these writing prompts:

  • Describe your pain journey. Did you ever determine what caused your pain? Have you experienced any relief?
  • How has your pain impacted your relationships? How has that changed over time?
  • What does "pain science" mean to you, and how has it impacted your understanding of and recovery from pain?
  • How has fear played a role in your experience of pain?
  • Imagine you're giving advice to someone who is early in their own pain journey. What would you tell them? (It may include self-care, advice about providers, tips for maintaining relationships, etc.)
  • How did pain impact your caregivers, friends, family, and inner circle? Who had your back while you were hurting, and how did it impact them?
  • What is/was your reaction when people say: "But you don't look sick!"
  • What makes an invisible illness or pain condition different from a "visible" illness or condition? What about these conditions are misunderstood? What was your experience like?
  • Do/did you feel like anyone really understood your pain? 
  • In what ways did your pain journey make you feel like you weren't "normal," and how did that impact you?
  • Do you think healthcare providers understand what it's like to experience chronic pain? How did your experiences lead you to this conclusion?
  • How has your pain impacted your sex life / body image / career / family life / relationships / priorities / financial health / _____?
  • When did you stop identifying as a person with pain?