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Embrace the Sunshine: Why Summer is the Perfect Time for Women with Pelvic Pain to Seek Treatment

As the warmth of summer and longer days linger, they bring with them a good opportunity to seek out pelvic pain treatment . While pelvic pain can be debilitating, the summertime offers unique advantages that can help smooth the road to recovery.

You have more flexibility and time!
Summer often means a more relaxed and flexible schedule, with vacations, breaks from school or work, and longer daylight hours. This can give you the necessary time and freedom to focus on your health and pursue the treatment you need but have been putting on the backburner because of how “busy” life feels. By prioritizing your well-being during this season, you can take advantage of the extra daylight hours to research treatment options, schedule appointments, and engage in various therapeutic activities without the added pressures of a busy routine.

Comfortable Clothes and Outdoor Time
Summer fashion tends to be more relaxed and forgiving, with lighter and looser clothing options. This can be particularly beneficial for those experiencing pelvic pain, as you may prefer breathable fabrics that don’t exacerbate discomfort. Think loose maxi dresses, harem pants, swim dresses in breathable fabrics like linen and cotton. Additionally, the warm weather and longer days allow for more outdoor activities like meandering walks, yoga in the park, or swimming. These can keep things low-impact while getting the blood flowing — all of which is good for your pelvic floor (so long as your provider agrees!)

Nature’s Medicine
Spending time in nature can have a profound impact on our mental and physical well-being. The healing power of nature, combined with summer’s abundant sunlight, fresh air, and vitamin D, can make your pelvic pain feel more manageable. Time outside can be grounding — even if it’s just laying in the grass with your pup or in the hammock with a book. The way that time outside stimulates your senses — the sound of birds chirping, the scent of freshly mown grass, the slivers of sunlight that make you squint (or, in my case, sneeze!), the warmth of the sun on your skin — and this immersive experience can help your mind drift from focusing on your pain to your surroundings.

Supportive Community and Retreats:
Summer is often a time of abundant social gatherings, meetups, and activities. This means events for new moms, for those struggling with pain, and for every other shared experience imaginable (book clubs, cooking clubs, therapy groups, yoga meetups). By seeking out and joining a support or friendship group of other women with pain, you might find yourself with a safe space to share your experiences and find solace in knowing you are not alone. These connections can foster a sense of belonging, offer valuable insights, and provide access to a network of women who can help to guide you towards effective treatment options.

Enhanced Mental Health
Pelvic pain can take a toll on your mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation. The brighter, sunnier days of summer can have a positive impact on your mood and well-being. With an improved mindset, you may find it easier to tackle the challenges associated with your pain and proactively seek the treatment you need. Some of us just find that we have that extra “spring in our step” during the summertime.

Throw on some comfy clothes, leave your undies at home (if they’re not comfortable), go out for a slow stroll, and call that provider you’ve had on your to-do list all year. It’s a great time to take care of you.