Why I refuse to do "everything in moderation"

Why I refuse to do "everything in moderation"

Today, as I ran from my physical therapist's clinic to my yoga studio, I was reminded of something that I can't afford to moderate: my courage. At one point, as I've shared, going to my PT's clinic ("my PT") for tune-ups was a challenge.  I wanted to be "better," and I thought that meant "having no need for any medical intervention."  As I've grown these past two years, becoming an athlete, a yogi, a 40-pounds-heavier, living, breathing woman, I've changed my mind. My PT is vital to my enjoyment of life, because she allows me to continue to be courageous.  She'll be there if I fall (as she's demonstrated oh-so-many times before).

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Our wedding(s): navigating life's milestones through chronic illness.

Our wedding(s): navigating life's milestones through chronic illness.

My illness and weekly out-of-state travel for care had worn me down.  I looked like a ghost, spent most of my time in bed, missed classes frequently, and was probably starting or withdrawing from some new horrible medication.  We realized that if we married, I would lose my insurance -- my only access to care.  And to be frank, I was a wreck.  We held hands, I cried, and we decided to indefinitely postpone our wedding.  Notifying our family and friends was heart-wrenching.

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Cycling for change (& not the way you think)

Cycling for change (& not the way you think)

"When was the first day of your last menstrual period?"  Every woman who has gone to the doctor for any reason can relate to this.  Upon your first interaction with the nurse or medical assistant, you're asked a series of questions, usually while they take your blood pressure, and they ask about your LMP (last menstrual period) in a monotone way.  If you hesitate, they hand you a mini-calendar.

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