When Friendships Fail: How chronic pelvic pain affected my friendships

When Friendships Fail: How chronic pelvic pain affected my friendships

I know that the way I’ve changed has been hard for some of my friends. Not everyone who befriended my overachieving, high-charging self in our twenties had bargained for a kale-growing, vaginal-health-preaching, yogi friend in our thirties. I get it. I changed a lot, and so have my friends.

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Our favorite new women's health tech-y products

Our favorite new women's health tech-y products

Have you met Elvie yet? Or Ava? They’re fancy women's health tech devices that have hit the market in recent years. Here’s your cheat sheet to the who, what, and why of the most popular. If you've tried them, let us know what you thought!

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SEX: my candidate for 'word of the year' in 2017

SEX: my candidate for 'word of the year' in 2017

Sex proved a bit tricky to untangle. I looked it up in every dictionary in the house, but dictionaries are surprisingly and disappointingly silent on this point.  Maybe the anti-sex-ed lobby is in bed with Merriam-Webster, or maybe there are fears that sexing up (definition below) the dictionary would cause the mass removal of dictionaries from American family rooms and classrooms.  Even today, 20 years later, Dictionary.com provides a stunningly unhelpful definition.

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