Me, a success story??

Me, a success story??

My physical therapist, Sandy, has asked me: "How many good things, feelings, and inputs is it going to take for you to no longer fear that the pain will return?"  My answer has always been: "I don't know."  She also admits to not knowing.  No one knows.

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A journal entry after 2 weeks of pelvic physical therapy (with the *right* PT for me)

A journal entry after 2 weeks of pelvic physical therapy (with the *right* PT for me)

More times than I can count, I’ve been asked: “How long did it take for you to start feeling better?”  I met Sandy, my PT, when I was wheelchair-bound and in constant, horrific pain.  So, I’m sharing this journal entry, written 15 days after meeting Sandy. And to answer the question: It took less than 15 days.

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